If that didn't work reset your device using Fast power cycle device recovery Note: Since version 8.3.0 this requires 6 short presses instead. If you have a device with a button and the button is configured as a component in the Tasmota settings (e.g., GPIO0 - Button1), you can try pressing the button to force the device into Wi-Fi configuration mode with 4 short presses of the button. Disabling OFDMA can solve problems with WiFi failing to connect. Some Tasmota devices also have issues with OFDMA (WiFi 6) enabled on the 2.4GHz band. Disabling WMM can resolve connectivity issues. Moreover, you probably should disconnect 5GHz radio during the configuration process.ĭD-WRT also has Wi-Fi Multi-Media (WMM) enabled by default. Linksys with DD-WRT), you may have conflicts with the 5GHz radio. Other reason can be using an SSID longer than the allowed 32 characters. If your device does not connect to your Wi-Fi and you've made sure the Wi-Fi credentials are correct, it is caused by using special chars or white spaces in your SSID or Password of your Wi-Fi. Can you add this unsupported sensor to Tasmota.Sonoff 4CH V2 / Sonoff Dual V2 will not flash.There was white smoke and the device does not work anymore!.How do I invert the output of the green LED on the Sonoff Basic so the LED is on when the relay is off?.Why is my changed configuration not loaded?.Auto-discovery in Home Assistant does not work.Tasmota is sending many status updates every 5 seconds.Device keeps restarting after changing config over MQTT.My device randomly switches on and off.Relay clicks and LED flashes at 1 second intervals.Device is often unavailable, usually 30 seconds every minute.

WebUI unavailable but device can be controlled.Smart Home Integrations Smart Home Integrations.